Hands-Free updated to v0.16

I've uploaded version 0.16 of Hands-Free RPG. Here is a summary of the changes:

  • Added gameplay loop chart and description of phases
  • Added section on group and GM play
  • Rearranged some sections
  • Moved some art to be closer to the section referencing it
  • Updated several examples
  • Added wrinkle illustration, and changed table to a fuller example
  • Rewrote some of the name generator
  • Added a mood oracle
  • Added Addendum Notes on Adjacent Inspiration


Hands Free RPG v0.16.pdf 30 MB
8 days ago
Hands Free RPG v0.16 BW.pdf 16 MB
8 days ago
Hands Free RPG v0.16.md 52 kB
8 days ago

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